July, 2007

Our puppy stories conclude this month with the adoption into permanent homes of Sadie, Sparkle, and Cubby. The experience we gained whelping a litter gives us a great insight into the work involved, and appreciation for the people who happily bring quality puppies into the world. We will be forever glad it’s them and not us. For movies and lots of pictures of puppies, look at http://www.nwsams.com/katie.

Sadie, who was “Big Girl,” was adopted by Sue Yim. Sue previously adopted Biscotti and has a girl named Gracie, and Sadie is working into their family nicely. Sue and Sadie loved each other at first sight on their first visit. We kept her here while Sue prepared her home, and on June 15 Sadie went home.

Sparkle and Cubby, formerly “Little Girl” and “White Boy,” found their homes when a family from Gresham, Oregon came to visit them on June 30. Their new dad went through 4-H obedience for ten years as a youth, and the family now has two boys, 8 and 10 years old, who want to do the same. We were impressed with the maturity of the boys and the commitment of their parents, and the puppies liked them right away. Every report we’ve had of all three puppies confirms they are in the correct homes and will have great lives.

Katie, the puppies’ mother, is still with us while we search for the right home for her. She has changed so much we decided not to place her in the home we originally chose. When Katie came here she was a tired old dog with allergies and worn teeth who plodded around the yard. Now, although nearly naked after shedding her coat, she runs in the yard like a young dog and her coat is growing back nicely. She acts years younger, and her activity level is so high we can’t place her with the older couple whose home we thought would be right for her. Katie is, unbelievably, the first dog we ever fostered who jumped over our fence and got loose because she wanted to chase a rabbit. Fortunately one thing hasn’t changed, her desire to lean on a human and be scratched.

We told you about Harley last month, the dog who has been in a shelter four times. Different excuses were given, but it was probably because of his barking. What we found was an enthusiastic boy who wanted SO badly to be your friend that he couldn’t help telling you so. He is an intelligent dog who understood within a day what we meant when we asked him not to bark. An application came from the Lake Stevens area from a family with three dogs, two of whom are too old to play with the young one. His name is Chief, and when they came to visit it seemed Harley and Chief would do well together. Best of all is that they understand Samoyeds (and dogs in general) and see no problem with Harley’s barking because they know he can be trained. Kim did the visit and has been working with the family grooming him.

Holly was fostered by Jeff Bienstadt, who hosted a visit by a couple from Monroe who already have a Samoyed named Cloudy. Holly and Shawna, who has become her new Mom, were attracted immediately to each other and Cloudy approved. There have been some barking issues, which we understand to be actually neighbor issues. No news is good news, and it seems the problem has been addressed successfully.

We’re working with Samoyed Rescue of Oregon, who just got a male through Malamute Rescue from the Medford area. Their vet isn’t able to neuter him for several weeks, so we are moving Topper here for a few days for our vet to do it, then on Saturday at the Rescue Picnic he can go back with Melissa. She has a home arranged for Topper with people from Corvallis.

Finnegan came to us from the Bremerton area in May, 2005. The director of the shelter knew his coat needed grooming, and when she called she urged us to come pick him up “before some fool on the staff shaves him.” We always laughed about that. Kathy spent days grooming, pulling out dead hair, and at the end we had a good looking dog. Finnegan was mostly deaf and he walked like his back hurt, but it looked like a lot of love was left in him so we listed him for adoption.

Twice we invited applicants to look at Finnegan. The first time someone came he saw them, turned, and walked to the bedroom and hid. The second time he had visitors we closed the gate in the hallway, so he walked into a corner and pretended they weren’t there. That’s when we gave up and listened to him, and he stayed with us as a family member. Finn was always mellow and happy with a huge smile, and didn’t have an aggressive bone in his body. A few months ago he began having serious problems getting around. X-rays showed a great looking spine, and the diagnosis was neurological problems. He became more incontinent and finally reached the point he couldn’t stand without help. We helped him cross the bridge and he said good bye quietly. He was a special boy, one of the dogs whose memory will always remind us why we do rescue. In his memory, we told Oakley he now has a permanent home with us.

June, 2007

At ten weeks old, the puppies have developed real personalities. White Boy is mellow, Little Girl is a tornado, and Big Girl is the lover in the crowd. Big Girl, who will be known as Sadie, has been promised to Sue Yim and will be joining Biscotti and Gracie. The other two puppies are still available as of the newsletter deadline. If you think you might be interested, please contact us as soon as you can. To say the least, it has been quite an adventure to have a litter in the house for the first time in our lives.

We have some really great news about Katie. Now that she has completely weaned the puppies and is back to good health, we had her checked to see if her kidney function has improved. Not only has it improved, every test in the panel showed a completely healthy dog. Our vet thinks the poor test results previously were due to her pregnancy. We have a home already in mind for her, and we’re waiting for improvements in their fencing. Hopefully that will be done very soon and Katie will have a family all to herself. After what she has been through in her life, it’s about time.

Jeff Bienstadt continues to foster Holly for us, the girl from the Tacoma Humane Society. She met a potential adopter, but she barks when excited and they are concerned about that. More importantly, Holly is also afraid of fireworks, and this home is close to a venue with fireworks every Friday evening. We’ll keep looking. Jeff tells us that Holly is a very affectionate girl who wants to curl up next to her people (or on them!), and would be great for anybody who wants a loving companion dog. She may not be 100% Samoyed, but all of her loves people.

New this month is Harley, but it’s not the first time we have seen him. Harley first came to our attention in 2005, although his first trip to a shelter was the year before, when his owner tripped over him and decided to dump him at the Spokane Humane Society (that’s the first time we heard that excuse). In October 2005 he was left at the Spokane County shelter, and when we tried to get him we were just a little too late. Three months later he was returned, and this time Kristina took pictures so we could see if he was purebred. We asked her to go back and get him right away, but once again we were too late as he had just been adopted.
On Tuesday, June 5th, we were told about a dog in the Spokane County shelter, and after investigating discovered it was Harley again. This time Kristina was able to get him out, and we promise his next home will be forever. In the 15 months between adoptions he was allowed to become completely matted and filthy, which Kristina was able to correct with two days of hard work. He seems to have a dental problem, which we will have diagnosed as soon as we can get him here. We’ll foster him ourselves, because there can’t be too much difference between nine and ten dogs, right?

May, 2007

It’s true! There’s nothing like puppy breath. Our three little house guests have passed six weeks and are developing real personalities. White Boy is timid and would just as soon snuggle than play hard with his sisters. Big Girl is mellow but always willing to roll around with the others playing. Little Girl is a fireball, pouncing on the others and running her little legs off. She is also the most affectionate, but with puppies it’s hard to rate affection. All of their little tongues get going when a human face gets close enough. Check http://www.nwsams.com/katie.

After considerable research we elected to go with the new vaccination protocols as recently published by nearly all the vet schools in the country. That means we will wait until they are 8 weeks old for the first shots, and won’t let them go to their new homes until after the second shots at 11 weeks. If you aren’t familiar with the changed protocols, please read them no matter how old your dogs are. You’ll find the new schedule at WSU’s Vet School site: http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/pets/. There is a growing body of evidence that over-vaccination is harming our dogs.

Katie had a few days where she didn’t feel well when the puppies were about four weeks old. That’s when we decided to seriously work on weaning them, and as a result their weights went up even faster. Katie’s check-up showed great vital signs, so the only help we gave her was with feeding, with some herbal support for her diarrhea. She is as close to perfect a mother as she could be, even to the point of still nursing three pups with mouths full of needle-sharp teeth. Still, at her age, we’re relieved that she will never have to go through this again. Her recovery from her c-section/spay was incredible, and from the time she jumped a baby gate one day post-op she acted like nothing ever happened (yes, we blocked her from doing that again). Whoever gets Katie is going to have as loving a dog as they ever met.

Because we can’t take any fosters until after the puppies’ first shots, we had to leave a Sammy girl at the Tacoma Humane Society for quite a long time. This year they announced they are trying to be a no-kill shelter and they have staff actively looking for rescue groups to take dogs. We’ve had a great relationship with them for years, and now it’s even better. They gave us updates several times a week as we kept our fingers crossed she would be adopted. Kathy (Buckner) Thomas did an evaluation that showed a dog that was possibly a mix but might be a poorly bred purebred Samoyed. Finally, after three weeks, we decided enough was enough. We wrote an appeal on the NW Samoyed Rescue list, and Jeff Bienstadt responded. Jeff adopted Sasha four and a half years ago, and has expressed interest in helping Rescue. He drove to Tacoma and pulled “Muffy” (the shelter named her) and took her home. Now her name is Holly, and she is doing well there and we have listed her on Petfinder.

May is the month we hear about more dogs than any other time of year. This week we were asked to take an eight year old female in North Bend. The woman who has her says Nikita was given to her a couple years ago, and she doesn’t do well in a situation with so many other dogs; she boards other dogs and has as many as a dozen at a time. We will list Nikita on Petfinder as soon as we have a signed release, and she will remain where she is while we take applications. We also heard from two other people recently who want help with their dogs, but we had to give our regrets because they were obviously not Samoyeds, probably not even mixes. That doesn’t mean we didn’t help; we have an extensive list of other rescue groups and individuals who can help with most breeds, and referrals are a big part of doing the business of rescue.

Oakley is still with us, waiting for the perfect home. He is still timid but getting much more confidence and asking for attention frequently — and he is a real face-washer when he gets it. The man who surrendered him claimed he had Oakley for five years and was told he was nine years old when he arrived. This is obviously not a 14 year old dog, and lately we have wondered if he was nine months old. That would make him about six now, and would be consistent with his behavior.

Our annual rescue picnic will be July 14 this year.
Invitations will go out soon, but we want to let you know now so you can mark your calendar. All club members and adopters are welcome!

April, 2007

And now, for something completely different. Puppies!!

Last month we wrote about Katie, the girl who came from the Kent Animal Shelter. Remember how we said she came with Kennel Cough, something we had never experienced before? Well, she was full of surprises. Actually, she was full of puppies. The vet clinic delayed her spay because she had kennel cough, while reassuring us we had plenty of time because the urinalysis showed she was in her last week of heat when we got her. Right…..

The weekend before her revised spay appointment we realized Katie was pregnant, so we called Bobbie LaFortune. She came right over and confirmed Katie was not only pregnant, she was due in 4-5 days. Having never been around a litter of puppies in our lives, we were apprehensive, but Bobbie reassured us we had lots of help if we needed it. When we told her that Katie’s temperature was down she loaded up all her whelping supplies and brought them over.

The morning of March 28 Katie was obviously in labor, and gave us her first puppy just after noon. An hour and a half later the second popped out. Three more hours went by, with Bobbie here for advice, and we could see Katie was worn out. We went to the vet clinic and an x-ray showed two puppies still waiting. Two shots later with no effect we decided a c-section was needed. One of the two puppies didn’t make it, but the other – the biggest of the litter – came through the ordeal in fine shape. Katie now has three healthy puppies who are gaining weight daily. The single boy is white and looks like a Sammy, while the two girls are black with white markings, so parentage is unknown. We can only say Mom is a Samoyed, while Dad is a traveling salesman.

The x-ray of Katie was revealing in another way. Because it shows her spine we can see she has moderate spondylosis, and she also has one bad hip. Neither of these affect the way she moves, and since the day after the puppies arrived she has been routinely jumping over baby gates when she hears the sound of food preparation in the kitchen. Nevertheless, based on that x-ray and her general condition we believe she is around 10 years old. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but of course she was spayed during the c-section. Because of that, the vet gave us pills to make sure her milk came in, and she has more than enough for three pups.

This month have some great news about Emily, who has finally found a forever home. She was placed twice and came back both times because of her incredible energy level. Ever since our daughter Kristina picked her up at the Coeur d’Alene shelter as a puppy, we have heard Kristina say she wished she could have kept Emily. She and her husband, Jim, purchased a new home recently with a big fenced back yard, and Jim surprised her by bringing her here to adopt Emily. They already have a lab mix named Parker and we all knew how well the two played together. This was a perfect match, and although we miss Emily we’re going to see her often.

Oakley is here, waiting for his perfect home. He is a bit of a special case because his treatment in the past wasn’t very good. He is still shy and anxious in some circumstances, so we haven’t listed him publicly. We will wait for an application that’s just right to come along, and then see if he fits that home. Meanwhile he is more than happy here.

We have been asked to place a nine year old Sammy boy in the Marysville area. His owner says he was her husband’s dog, and since her husband passed away the dog is now alone for 14 hours a day. She would like to see him in a home where someone can give him attention. Darlene Rautio has offered to do an assessment and we hope to make a direct placement from present to new home, since we can’t take any fosters while we have puppies. This will make Spring, our usual busy time, challenging. If you can foster a dog for a short time, please let us know.

We continue to work on organizing Northwest Samoyed Rescue, which will combine Washington and Oregon rescue groups as a non-profit 501(c)(3) federal corporation. It’s slow work but will have a payoff because donations to it will be tax-deductible and we can pursue grants. We’re registered already as a Washington State non-profit corporation and hope to soon make our federal filing.

Help from friends is the only way rescue can function, and this month we want to give special thanks to Bobbie LaFortune. She dropped everything several times to help with Katie, loaned us everything we need to take care of the puppies, and even went to the clinic with us for the c-section. We also spent hours on the phone with Cyndy Knighton, who has supplied us with advice and all the vaccinations the puppies will need. Thank you both!

Puppy pictures are at <http://nwsams.smugmug.com/gallery/2539135>.

March, 2007

This month we introduce a new foster girl, Katie. She was in the King County shelter in Kent, found as a stray and unclaimed. Erin went to check her out, and they said they would like us to take her. Erin headed south with her and met Kathy, who brought her the rest of the way here. Katie is a middle aged dog, lots of biscuit, and not spayed. She appears to have had at least one litter in the past. A quick vet visit pronounced her to have good lungs and a healthy heart. Her urine output is, shall we say, enormous. A urinalysis didn’t pick up any problems but did tell us she was in her last few days of her heat cycle. Her spay appointment is March 15.

Katie came to us with something we haven’t experienced before — kennel cough. In all the Sammies we fostered before, this is the first time we have had to deal with a sick dog. Three days after she arrived she began to sneeze, and five days after that most of the rest of our dogs caught it. She has an elevated white count and high liver enzymes as well as low thyroid, all of which might be due to the illness. It might not, in which case other tests will need to be run after she gets over her cold.

We’re especially happy that the shelter contacted us, rather than the other way around. This marks the first time Kent ever called us about a dog needing our help, a positive sign for the future. We also recently made contact with someone who routinely checks the Seattle area shelters and who will let us know when we are needed.

Oakley and Emily are still with us, waiting for their forever homes. We have listed Emily on Petfinder because none of our current applicants are quite right for her. Emily runs like a greyhound and has the boundless energy of any two year old and it’s going to take a special home for her. Oakley has settled in and we’re waiting for the right home to come along without advertising him. Because his past includes some sort of mistreatment he will need a gentle hand.

Precious was adopted just before last month’s rescue report, and in the past month several of us have visited with her and her new family. They are first time dog owners and needed some extra reassurance that Precious is getting what she needs from them. Special thanks to Liz and Van for visiting and spending an afternoon there.

About a year ago we picked up a senior Sammy girl named Snowy from the Tacoma shelter. She was traced to a vet in the area where we got the name of her owner, but we were unable to find where she moved. Carey and Kaz had recently lost Madison and called to say they would take Snowy. Under their care she blossomed and had a wonderful life there. We’re sad to report she bloated a week ago and they lost her. Please join us in our sorrow at the loss of Snowy, and in our undying appreciation for two guys who have twice given a Senior girl a wonderful home. They are truly two in a million.

Because we are fostering a sick dog, we can’t take any more until the whole pack is well again. If we find another dog needing rescue we may need another foster home on very short notice. If you think you can handle an additional Samoyed for a little while, please let us know.

February, 2007

Applications continue to arrive, even though we haven’t seen many dogs in recent months. As Spring approaches and things heat up (as they always do this time of year), we’re going to need some home visits done. If you have a Samoyed then you already know what we need to look for, and we could use some more volunteers getting the visits done. It’s easy and a great way to meet people with the same interests you have. If you can help, please let us know. We promise not to work you too hard.

We decided to start introducing people to Precious, a year and a half old girl who has been with Lon & Mary for the last few months. She came from the Everett shelter as an owner surrender, and has been getting used to love and good care in Custer. The first family we introduced is from Redmond, and on February 10 she went home with them. Precious will be learning to live with two cats.

Oakley and Emily are still with us as we ponder the best homes for them. Emily came here first exactly two years ago as a puppy we thought was a sammy mix. She was first placed in Portland where she had too much energy for the home, then in Gig Harbor where her enthusiastic wagging kept knocking over the kids. As Emily grew (and grew and grew) she became less sammy in appearance and more like a collie/greyhound/something mix, but we committed to her when she first arrived and we’ll find the right place for her eventually. She needs a home where she can have a ton of exercise and an opportunity to show her love to her humans. Emily has a wonderfully sweet personality.

Oakley has gained weight and is almost where he should be now. When he arrived he weighed only 42 pounds, every rib prominent along his spine. We don’t know much about him except that he has been tied out for years, and he is learning what it is to be in a home where he gets regular meals and attention when he asks for it. His age is still a mystery, guessed at anything from 3 to 10 years. Our latest guess is 4 or 5. He and Emily play like pups and keep each other tired.

After a few years on the job, most rescuers seem to cover more territory and build contacts with other breed rescues, as well as people in their own breed. We’ve been lucky to meet people from all over the country who want to help, but more importantly all around the northwest. Recently we were alerted to someone advertising on Craigslist for a Samoyed, so we wrote to let them know we were here. They applied right away and we asked a volunteer down the street from them for a home visit. Although this happens frequently, in this case it was Eagle River, Alaska — 1500 miles away. Later when we had an application from Moses Lake we called an animal sanctuary there we helped a year ago. Working together, regionally and nationally, many more dogs are helped. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of rescue, and we thank all of you for your hard work.

January, 2007

The greatest joy of rescue is hearing about dogs months or years after adoption. When folks with rescue dogs take the time to write and send pictures it thrills us. At Christmas we hear from a lot of people and it makes the season bright. It also makes us think about all the success stories. There have been many who stand out in our memories.

Tonka was one of the first dogs we hosted in our home in the days we were volunteers helping Cheryl and Steve. Tonka’s mom suffered some financial setbacks and had to move to a new home with people who already had many dogs, and they told her he had to go. Christie Smith helped with his transport through Oregon and we fostered him. Marilyn and Gordon Dahl adopted Tonka and have become firm friends of rescue. We hear from Marilyn almost every month, and frequently she sends pictures. Tonka is a very handsome dog, as you can see in this recent snow picture.

Mori was special for another reason. We spotted him when he was listed by the Lewis County shelter, about a half hour from us. They told us they would list us as “last chance” on his kennel card. A couple days later, while Cheryl and Steve were out of town, the shelter called to say they need his cage. Right now. I think we set a record getting there, and a big happy goofy boy came to stay with us. The first applicant who came to visit him was intimidated by his size and energy and ended up with another dog. But then Holley and Hans came through the door and Mori walked over and sat down by them and said “these are MY humans.” Not for the first time we saw how true it is that the dog chooses the people. Hans and Holley have been responsible for the great artwork for all our fundraiser shirts ever since. Mori’s vocabulary is quite extensive, but “zoom zoom” (a ride in the car) may always be his favorite. You can see Mori walking around Green Lake daily, showing himself off to his loyal public.

Homer was picked up as a stray and taken to the Tacoma Humane Society, and his owners were known. Unfortunately they had previously bounced a check there, so they decided not to claim him. As soon as we could, we bailed him out and brought him here. He was a high-energy dog and several families met him before his perfect humans arrived. They understood exactly what he needed. His name now is Tova and he lives happily in Lynnwood with his family. After he settled in they added Amira, who helped demonstrate how well Sammies do with children. Is he a good babysitter or what?

Divorces are something we hear about all the time, and it’s often the dogs who suffer. Old friends who gave their families long lives suddenly find themselves homeless. One of these was Mandy, who at the dignified age of 9 had to come to rescue because her humans were moving into an apartment. We picked her up and took her to Melissa Hopper, who had foster space at the time. Mandy subsequently went to live with Esther and Margaret, close neighbors of Hans and Holley. Esther is a teacher and took Mandy to work with her, where she became the class mascot. Mandy has since crossed the rainbow bridge, but her final years taught her true love. Esther and Margaret have adopted two more rescue Sammies who came from the Coeur d’Alene area, so Mandy’s influence is touching two more dogs.

We can’t write about rescue success stories without confessing to the dogs who ended up staying with us. Charlie was the first, and the experience taught us what rescue was all about. Shadow was one of the first we found after taking over as coordinators, and we couldn’t bear to let him go. Abby had been dropped out a car window before she found her way here and literally couldn’t walk more than a few steps; we had the privilege of having her for the final two years of her life. Cassie was also a hospice dog who came to us with teeth so bad that all but four of them had to be pulled. She was also very old, but we believe love is magnified in a senior dog.

Finnegan is our current senior, found in Bremerton. He is having significant problems getting around and is leaving presents for us around the house, but his smile is as big as any we’ve ever had here. We’ve been privileged to be involved with rescue.

December, 2006

This is the month of our annual fundraiser, and this year we’re offering a new design by Holley called “Samflake.” We will take orders until at least the first week in January, so there’s lots of time left to get yours. We have had great success in our fundraisers in recent years. There are many other Samoyed Rescue groups around the country constantly scrambling to pay vet bills, and we have the privilege of not worrying whether we have to turn a dog away because he or she might be expensive to help. Your financial support is what makes it possible to save so many dogs.

New this month is Precious, a one and a half year old female Samoyed. She came from the Everett shelter where she was an owner turn-in. Although there was a note on her paperwork that the previous owner wanted a call when she was adopted because he cared so much, someone else brought her to the shelter for him, and she was filthy and ungroomed. Erin picked her up for us and took her to meet Lon, who is now fostering her. Precious needed bathing so badly that Erin says she stopped at a dumpster and threw away the pad from the back of her car on the way home. Wow. Lon & Mary have taken care of grooming Precious and we’re waiting for more pictures so we can get her listed. She should be an easy placement.
We can understand why Emily’s families have had so much trouble keeping her out of trouble. She is possibly the most active girl we’ve ever encountered. Emily first came to us in February 2005 after being found as a puppy in the Coeur d’Alene shelter. The best guess was that she was mostly Samoyed. Now that she has grown up (and UP and UP) our guess is that she is not as much sammy as everybody thought, but it’s still a matter for debate. We took her as a puppy and placed her, so she will always be able to count on us for a place to stay. She is a wonderful dog, but she will need a big yard or someone really committed to exercising her.

Oakley continues worming his way into our hearts. You’d think after this long we could decide how old he might be, but he’s a hard one to figure out. Imagine two year old teeth, puppy play, and then sleeping as soundly and as much as a ten year old. Well, that’s Oakley. This month’s picture was taken during the snow when Emily and Oakley were playing outdoors.

November, 2006

As we reported last month, we had two dogs come back into rescue we had previously placed. Both are young and active and we made the mistake of placing them together. We were promised the home had lots of sammy experience and understood young dogs, but finally they had to admit they really weren’t ready for this much challenge. For Emily, it is the third time with us; we found her as a puppy in Coeur d’Alene in February last year and were told she was “mostly sammy.” Her first home in Portland gave up on her because she chewed too much. Emily grew up into a “kinda sammy,” but since we committed to her originally we’ll keep looking for the right home. She might have some Samoyed in her, and her temperament is sweet, but her activity level tops any other dog we’ve fostered. We’ve been slow to list her because we’re doing a bit of training first.

The other dog was Sammy, who came to us early this year from the Tacoma Humane Society. We think he was about a year old when we found him, so he also has a lot of energy. We could see how the two dogs would be more than a handful, especially when they joined our other four dogs here.
After the sad loss of Tramp, George and Louise wrote to say they saw Emily and Sammy listed in the last rescue report and wanted to meet them. We all got together and decided that although Emily wouldn’t be the right fit, Sammy would be perfect. We are beyond delighted to announce that Sammy is now named Loki and has taken his place between Sierra and Shasta on their team.

When we checked with AVID to be sure Loki’s registration could be switched, we found an interesting fact about him; he was originally adopted from the Greensboro, NC animal shelter. That means he was adopted from there, taken to the Tacoma area and picked up as a stray; adopted by the shelter to someone in Pierce County; he came back (again as a stray) and wasn’t claimed, then we got him. He went a home in Gig Harbor, back to us, and finally to the home he was meant to have with George and Louise. We can’t say too often that despite his travels, this is one lucky dog to have ended up where he is now.

Annie was here briefly, a ten year old girl given up because she barked too much. Her owner worked long hours and was getting complaints from neighbors — and even had a visit from animal control. He tried different training methods unsuccessfully, spending hundreds of dollars, until he was forced to board her daily. That’s when he asked us for help. We felt she was a good candidate for de-barking but his vet refused and we think he was at the end of his willingness to try anything else. Kathy picked her up October 21, and a couple from Whidbey Island came to meet her the next morning. They asked us for an older dog and we felt Annie would be a good fit. They agreed, and after visiting her they took her home. All the reports have been positive, except that she was diagnosed last week with diabetes. Their attitude is that they are used to medicating their other old dog and this is no great hurdle. We appreciate people who think like this.

Oakley arrived a month ago, terribly underweight and neglected. His owner said he had been tied in the yard for five years and was reportedly nine years old when he got him. That’s absolutely impossible, as he acts like a puppy and his teeth look like two or three at the most. We have come to the conclusion that his owner lied to us about this dog, but since Oakley was so neglected and underweight, and we have a signed release, we’ll leave it at that and give him a good life. We won’t list Oakley until we feel he is ready for another home. In the meantime he keeps telling us how much he likes his new life.

The male we heard about just before last month’s report is not coming here after all. He had been given to friends when his family moved to Germany, and the friends have been transferred to Guam. His original family has made arrangements to fly back just to take care of him, so he seems to be in good hands. We also worked with the Post Falls police department regarding a sammy in their care, but his family came in and picked him up. We were contacted by the shelter in Billings, Montana to find a home over there for a three year old girl, so far without success. Our territory seems to grow a little each year, but that’s OK with us as long as we keep finding great people all over the northwest who help Samoyeds wherever we find them.

We are now posting picture galleries of rescue dogs at http://nwsams.smugmug.com/rescue. Take a look at all the smiles.

October, 2006

We received e-mail from American Eskimo Rescue on August 14, saying they had picked up a Samoyed in Oregon and brought her back to Seatac. Erin Sitterley lives close, so she did a quick assessment and took pictures. Two days later she brought Lilly to us at the Specialty in Enumclaw. Opinions differed, but she appears to be a very tiny Samoyed, probably bred by a puppy mill that claims to breed “miniature Samoyeds.” She certainly has a sammy temperament. Nancy and Doug Fenty were waiting for another dog to add to their family, so Lilly and Genie were introduced and got along well. On September 4, Lilly went to her new home.

Cosmo first came to our attention in May when we received mail from a number of people about a blind dog in Spokane. Our daughter Kristina visited him, took pictures, and we said we would help. Cosmo’s owner had gone through a divorce and Cosmo was living temporarily with a family member. We’re thankful his owner saw the need to have him neutered so we could begin looking for his new home. It’s not always easy to place a disabled dog. It took four months before we had interest in him, but the end result was a home with an experienced Sammy owner in Montana. She has had sammies for 30 years, used to show, and has another blind dog. Margo Varberg met us in Post Falls and arranged to take Cosmo to her own veterinary ophthalmologist. He confirmed that Cosmo is congenitally blind and is a dwarf, but no other obvious health issues. Margo and Cosmo went back to Bozeman and will live happily ever after. As with most special needs dogs, all fees were waived.

One of our adopters, Sheila Springer, works in Centralia. One of her patients saw her Samoyed calendar on the wall and asked if she wanted another dog, so Sheila got in touch with us right away. Oakley was given to a family about five years ago, and when they found he chased chickens they tied him out in the yard. He has lived there since. It’s a home with a single father with two children, and he works long hours and recognized that Oakley needed a better place to live. Judy Gustafson did an assessment and found a love-starved sammy of unknown age who hasn’t been groomed for five years. She went back and picked him up and brought him to us, and Oakley has been getting to know all sorts of grooming tools. His owner was told he was nine years old when he got him, which would make Oakley 14 now — and that’s clearly not the case. We estimate him at 8-10 years, with the agility and movement of a young dog. He is less than 40 pounds, skin and bones, and because he loves to eat we think they simply forgot to feed him. His first vet visit is scheduled and he is on the road to a good future.

Last April we placed two dogs together. One was Sammy, a male about a year old who had been in two homes before we got him from the shelter. The other was Emily, who we first placed as a puppy and came back a year later. The two went to live in Gig Harbor together, despite our feelings that it might be too much for the family to handle. We need to listen to our experience, because they are coming back to us this week. Two dogs, active and under 2 years old, would be a handful for any sammy family, let alone a home where training isn’t a priority. We’ll look long and hard before we place two young dogs together in the future.

Annie is a dog in the Seattle area, bought 10 years ago as a puppy, who needs a new home now because she barks too much. Our first efforts are always to counsel, advise, and try to keep a dog in its current home, but this owner made up his mind before he called us. She is being boarded now, will be kept by a friend for a week, and then we will bring her here if a home isn’t found first.
We’re also in the process of getting information on a male Samoyed on Whidbey Island. He was given to friends when his owners went to Germany, and now they are getting transferred to Guam. There’s an applicant locally, and we will try to work something out so they can adopt directly.

As the ones at the rescue table at the National in Post Falls, we want to thank Van, Liz, and the rest of the committee for their support. Our location was great and we met a lot of people we knew only from e-mail. One of the greatest parts of participating was meeting other rescuers for the first time, like Dorinda from Utah and Beverley from San Francisco. Although there have been a lot of politics in rescue in recent years, we proved again that we can all work together for our dogs.

The Rescue Parade was Tuesday evening; ten dogs participated. Sunny Bear came with Christine Kiernan from California; Celine Cutler brought Makita and China; Jim and Doris Commons had Saskia and Suni; Tom and Erin Sitterley brought Piper and Dory; Karen Johnson and Sam came from Walla Walla, George Johnson and Louise Goodman accompanied Tramp; and our dog Shadow was there, escorted by Diane Dings of SamUrgency.

Sadly, we have to report that less than two weeks later, George and Louise lost Tramp after he bloated and died before they could get him to the vet. Tramp has always been one of our favorites because of his unique, gentle spirit. We met him first when he was being fostered by Steve Madsen, and he has been a faithful attendee of the rescue picnic every year. We always joked that he was the only dog we knew who could surf the picnic tables without ever taking his feet off the ground, but he was so polite we never worried about it. Tramp’s passing has been a blow to all of us, and we mourn the loss of such a wonderful dog.