

On May 11, 2024

Meet Kaya. This 13-year-old girl is looking for her forever home. Kaya came to us in mid-March with two other dogs because sadly their owner needed to move into assisted living and could not take the dogs.

Kaya was understandably quiet and reserved when she first arrived at her foster home. She is also underweight, likely from the stress of all the changes she had been through. But she quickly settled in and is a loving, healthy, and happy dog. She was recently taken to the vet for a complete wellness exam and was also groomed, and everyone she came in contact with at both places swooned over her sweet, easy-going personality.

If you love leisurely walks, Kaya is your girl. She loves to be outside, sniffing around and exploring. She’s also pretty chatty, letting you know what she wants, and if she doesn’t get your attention that way, you’ll get “the paw.” She will try to con you into giving her people food, and she is a huge fan of treats but takes them gently. She lives with two other Samoyeds and gets along well with them, but she would probably be just as happy being an only dog.

Kaya still has a lot of love to share. If you have room in your heart for a loyal and loving companion with just a touch of sassy charm, Kaya is waiting to be part of your family.

Sex: F
Age: 13
Size: Large (she’s tall but needs to add a little more weight)
Spayed: Yes